One benchmark for all your hardware

Steel Nomad, out now!
3DMark Steel Nomad is free for all 3DMark users.
Download now for Windows, Windows-on-Arm, Android and iOS devices!
Benchmark your PC today
3DMark has gaming benchmarks for a wide range of hardware and graphics API technologies. Desktop, laptop, gaming handheld, tablet or phone? Raytraced gaming or not? Testing your GPU, SSD or CPU?
3DMark is your benchmarking multitool for testing and comparing your gaming gear. Try out the demo first, or unlock its full potential immediately.
Read more about which 3DMark benchmarks are best for your tech here.
Unsupported benchmarks
Our older benchmarks are available to download for free but are unsupported and may not work with current operating systems. They should not be used to benchmark or compare modern hardware.
Legacy benchmarks