One benchmark for all your hardware

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Benchmark your PC today

3DMark has gaming benchmarks for a wide range of hardware and graphics API technologies. Desktop, laptop, gaming handheld, tablet or phone? Raytraced gaming or not? Testing your GPU, SSD or CPU?

3DMark is your benchmarking multitool for testing and comparing your gaming gear. Try out the demo first, or unlock its full potential immediately.

Read more about which 3DMark benchmarks are best for your tech here.

3DMark - The Gamer's Benchmark


The Gamer's Benchmark

Test and compare the gaming performance of your PC with 3DMark, the number one benchmarking app for gamers, overclockers, and system builders.


Get it from Steam

Get it from UL Solutions

Get it from Epic Games

PCMark Windows PC benchmark test

PCMark 10

The Complete Benchmark

Benchmark the performance of all types of PCs, from tablets to desktops, with tests that reflect real-world tasks performed in the modern office.


Get it from Steam

Get it from UL Solutions

VRMark, the virtual reality benchmark


The Virtual Reality Benchmark

Is your PC ready for VR? Find out if your PC has what it takes to deliver a great VR experience with VRMark, the virtual reality benchmark.


Get it from Steam

Get it from UL Solutions

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Overclocking Hall Of Fame


Unsupported benchmarks

Our older benchmarks are available to download for free but are unsupported and may not work with
current operating systems. They should not be used to benchmark or compare modern hardware.

Legacy benchmarks