Comparison: 3DMark 11 Performance
Intel Core i7-8700K Processor (4,598 MHz (3,700 MHz))
AMD Radeon RX 480 (1x Off) (1,303 MHz (0 MHz))
- 3DMark Score
17 546
- Graphics Score
19 515
- Physics Score
14 021
- Combined Score
12 723
- Graphics Test 1
85.77 FPS
- Graphics Test 2
94.07 FPS
- Graphics Test 3
122.99 FPS
- Graphics Test 4
59.81 FPS
- Physics Test
44.51 FPS
- Combined Test
59.18 FPS
- Benchmark
- 3DMark 11 Performance
- Version
- 1.0
- UI Version
- SystemInfo Version
- 5.1
- Valid Result
- Created
- August 8 2017
- Id
- 12312851
- Graphics Card
AMD Radeon RX 480
- # of cards
- 1
- SLI / CrossFire
- Memory
- 8,192 MB
- Clock frequency
- 1,303 MHz (0 MHz)
- Average clock frequency
- N/A
- Memory clock frequency
- 2,000 MHz (0 MHz)
- Average memory clock frequency
- N/A
- Average temperature
- N/A
- Driver version
- Driver status
- Processor
Intel Core i7-8700K Processor
- Clock frequency
- 4,598 MHz (3,700 MHz)
- Average clock frequency
- N/A
- Average temperature
- N/A
- Physical / logical processors
- 1 / 12
- # of cores
- 6
- Operating system
- 64-bit Windows 10 (10.0.15063)
- Motherboard
- Supermicro C7Z370-CG-L
- Memory
- 16,384 MB
- Hard drive model
- 100 GB ST100FM0012
- Ambient Occlusion Quality
- 5
- Color saturation
- 100%
- Depth Of Field Quality
- 5
- MSAA sample count
- 1
- Max Tessellation Factor
- 10
- Max anisotropy
- 1
- Screen height
- 720
- Screen width
- 1280
- Shadow Cascade Count
- 4
- Shadow Map Size
- 5
- Surface Shadow Sample Count
- 16
- Tessellation Detail
- 5
- Texture filtering mode
- Trilinear
- Triple buffering
- Off
- Vertical sync
- Off
- Volumetric Illumination Quality
- 5
- Windowed mode
- Off
- Wireframe
- Off